Friday, July 10, 2015


The merging of new technology in healthcare- The Human brain and the Computer brain.

Human-Computer interface (HCI) is the transparency between human-users and computers.  HCI is the study of how people interact with computers.  It is about understanding and creating software/technology that people will want to use and will find effective when used.  The concept of human-user interaction is a linkage between a human and a device or system that allows the human to interact with (e.g., exchange information with) that device or system.  The connection can be either physical or logical. 

Human technology interfaces becomes the problem solver at a push of a button.  Human users have benefited from the power of information and knowledge provided from new technology.  Nevertheless, advance health technology has extended human knowledge that has strengthen collaboration among health providers in delivering quality care.  Computerized health system can enhance our everyday lives and improve quality of life.

Medication dispensing system is one of many examples of human-technology interface that improves patient’s outcomes.  Also, it embraces a caring and connected relationship between nurses and patients.  Medication dispensing system is a computerized system that provides controlled storage, dispensing and tracking of medication to improve efficiency and patient safety.
 Click on the links below to further explore the world of Human Computer Interface



  1. Hi Kanika,

    What a great job you are doing with the blog! Keep up the good work!

    Dr. T.
